Drama (Tamil) directed by Aju Kizhumala starring Kishore, Charlie, Jay Bala, Nakulan Vincent is a single shot crime thriller movie shot in shot in 8 hours with 80 crew members and 18 artists. There was a 180 days practice including camera rehearsal, acting rehearsal etc. This is the longest single shot movie made in India.
Script is also written by Aju Kizhumala. Cinematography by Shinos Shamsudheen and music by Bijibal, Jaya K Dose, Jecin George. Ekadesi penned the lyrics. Background Score by Bijibal. SFX by Sethu. Editor Akhil Alias.
Drama revolves around the murder of a senior head constable who get killed within a four minute interval of power loss. The story progress with the dramatic movements of finding the killer through the intelligent questioning by the DSP before the sun rise.
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